Arthropod - monsters with insect
or arachnid qualities
Aquatic - monsters with features
necessary for water-dwelling
Arcane - monsters of great mystery
and often 'magical' power
Avatar - inanimate objects which
are being controlled or possessed
Beast - monsters with distinct animal features
Chimeric - monsters with qualities of multiple creatures or things
Construct - monsters or machines created by someone
Horror - monsters which create or deal with fear and phobias
Humanoid - monsters which are almost entirely human
Incarnation - monsters that embody a specific idea or element
Mutative - monsters with indistinct or changing forms
Plant - monsters with the qualities of plants
Spectral - monsters which are largely incorporeal or mental
Undead - beings which have died, and then come back to life, or can move between these states at will
Inhuman - monsters that do not have distinct creature features or powers but are not mostly human either
About the List Below:
The MBE is a project I'm taking on by myself, and as the sole creator, will take time to complete. All dark grey (and unclickable) names are planned additions/works in progress, where those in color are completed. Though images may be updated randomly.
Those in blue are started, but incomplete.
Note that ALL monster boys are of legal age, even if some appear very young (this is partially just art-style choice).
MBE monsters are often based on actual mythologies and folklore, however, they are modified for more romantic or sexual relationships, rather than simple murder and mayhem.
While monsters from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, and Monster Girl Quest have extensive lore about them and their world, I've (at least largely) decided to make the lore of my monster boys open to whatever world you imagine them in. It's important to me that, as they are all fantasies, we can all enjoy them in our own way. So with that in mind, I've made all my monster boys pansexual, and want you to know that the art I make of each one isn't the ONLY way they can look (its just a generally good example). My monster boys are, unless made from a specific individual character, often heavily altered to allow for greater personality and sexual diversity. I also have made my own monster "types" to give a general sense of each monster, without limiting them to any specific religion.
You can see my list of monster types below!
Monster Boys can (usually) breed with humans, but not always in the same way as each other. These are the reproductive methods they may have:
Oviparity - egg laying
Seeding - growing in the earth
Mitosis - splitting in two
Viviparity - live birth, like humans
Transmutation - changing someone else
Fragmentation - growing from multiple parts
Budding - sprouting from itself
Monster sperm connects with human egg > egg slowly becomes fetus inside mother > developed baby is born
Monster sperm enlarges human egg to size of pea > egg is born small > baby develops in egg until hatching
Monster sperm envelops human egg > egg branches out small limbs > egg crawls out of mother and into soft earth to grow
Monster consumes to gain mass > mass divides into multiple monsters
Monster uses energy or excretions to turn someone or something else into another of its kind
Monster is broken or part removed > all pieces heal and grow into individual monsters
Monster consumes or takes genetic material from partner > baby versions of itself begin to grow on it like buds > buds separate from main body when developed enough
Abyssal Demon
Angel Guardian
Ant Boy
*Anthro Boys
Arch Imp
Manta Boy
Mushroom Boy
Sea Slime
Sheep boy
Sparrow Boy
Solusarity - lone survival
The monster was "man-made" in some way or another, and cannot reproduce itself
Fidesis - from belief
The monster is created by strong belief, faith, or need of something
Dimi - honorary type: monsters with a clearly creature or thing "half" of their body
Were - honorary type: monsters that transform from nearly human into a an Anthro, Zo-on, or full animal
Many monsters have official mythological names, or names given to them in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia/Quest (although translated differently so as to not be female gendered). Some however, are a mixture of human and creature or object traits that uses a very straightforward naming convention -> Monster Boys that have a divided body are "Dimi" types (Dimi__), those that are largely human with some creature traits are Zo'on types ( __Boy), and monsters that are mostly a creature with some human traits are "Anthro" types (Anthro__).
i.e a "DimiCat" would have a humanoid upper body and the lower body of a cat, while a "Cat Boy" would be generally humanoid with cat features such as ears, eyes, and tail, and an "AnthroCat" would be mostly a cat that has a more human body-shape, hands, and speaks.
Since some types of monsters can technically be limitless (there could be a half-human half-anything), each of these types will get its own page: Anthro Boys - Dimi Boys - Zo'on Boys
Anthro boys are the least represented, BUT there can be an Anthro version of almost any monster boy
It is important to note that the term "Dimi" (half) is not quite the same thing as "Demi" (partial) - though they are both similarly derived from Latin. The term Dimi refers to a clear bisection in one creature, where Demi means a creature bred from two different creatures: We all know a Demi-god is the child of a god and a human, but they don't typically look human on one side, and giant and blue (or whathaveyou) on the other.
Anthro - honorary type: monsters that are almost more animal than human (i.e. furries)
Zo'on - honorary type: monsters that are mostly human with a few creature traits
Ovoviviparity - hatch inside
Monster ejaculates eggs inside oriface > egg hatches inside > baby is born/crawls out