Lifespan: ~100
Found hiding among humans, sometimes unaware of themselves, these monsters transform into either a cat-boy, anthropomorphic feline, or pure cat. Unlike the werewolf, the catalyst of transformation is every night at midnight until 4am (the witching hour).
WereCats when anthropomorphic may be a bit larger than a human, and may appear as any species of cat. They "reproduce" through a curse spread by a human being scratched or bitten by a transformed werecat; which you might not recognize if they simply look like a normal cat. It is said that the human will become a more cat-like and attractive version of themselves when afflicted.
Known to have very independent personalities, these monsters may display cat-like abilities or features at times when they, or someone they love, feel threatened.
When fully transformed, they might be dangerous to humans, as they are more feral and do not have full control of themselves.
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